Dark night. The most ancient trees are the guardians of the stories that have been told through time. The trees absorbed those stories.
Everything that has been told in the forest has stayed in the forest. Those stories lie still, under the leaves and stones, between the moss and the sand, mixing with the roots and fungi of the forest floor.
We are always stuck to our mobile phones.
What if, for once, they allow us to really connect with our surroundings? What if they allows us to see what can’t be seen, to listen to the words that we never hear? What if they allow us to revive the stories hidden in the forest?
Title: Words break bones
Length: 60 minutes
Company: Pagans
Recommended age: +12
web: http://wordsbreakbones.info
Authors: cia. Pagans
Story and Direction: Núria Clemares
Mobile apps design: Marc Fernández
Lighting design: Joana Serra
Acting: Núria Clemares and Anna Miranda
Mobile apps production: Marc Fernández and Gabriel Belvedere
Audiovisuals production: Marc Fernández
Technical support: Sergio Roca
Costume design: Marta Pelegrina
Graphic design: Simbòlic and Manu Croissier
Photograpy: David Perelló
``Forest is much more than what you see`` - Suzanne Simmard
The experience takes place in the forest at night.
A small group of people, with a mobile phone in their hands, enter into an unfamiliar place. Each of them will start to receive communication that will surprise them. This will open up a new and unknown world as they become lost in the woods.
Following a traditional story line, each person in the audience will experience his or her personal connection with nature, with the surroundings, and with the ancestral stories.
We encourage some personal reflections: on the validity of our oral tradition, on where the magic can be found nowadays and on new ways to tell stories in a world surrounded by technology.
Supported by:

In collaboration with:

Video (clip):
We work with words and expression, and we enjoy exploring the narrative possibilities that technollogy is allowing us. Our goal is to take the audience on a journey where they will live an emotional and unique experience though their own imagination.
We take advantage of the uniqueness of the environment and individual space and are always tapping into the present moment.
We are also interested in encouraging the audience to move around during the show, to be aware, receptive and active to what is happening around them.
With that being said, the reaction will be always unexpected and different depending on the dynamic of each group making it something special each time we perform it.
We've been playing in the most important festivals of Catalonia as Fira Mediterrània and Mostra d'Igualada, and we have won the Catalan Critics' Award.
Núria Clemares:
+34 607479877
Marc Fernández
+34 691302382
Núria Clemares
Stage creator, narrator and actress. Trained in performing arts in Barcelona and San Francisco, she immediately felt the urge to create her own shows.
Since 2003 she has her own oral storytelling company.
The constant search for new ways of telling stories has led her to move beyond the stage, experimenting with the environment, the movement, technology, sound and installation.
She has created shows for different types of audiences and performed in places as diverse as museums, churches, ships, airfields, rivers and forests.
She recently formed company Pagans, where she creates and directs experiences with technology in unique spaces.
She has participated in festivals such as Fira Mediterrània, DeLlegendes, BCNegra and MónLlibre. She is currently also a collaborating artist at the Contemporary Art Museum of Barcelona (MACBA).

Marc Fernández
Telecommunications engineer, technology and innovation consultant, dramaturg and actor. He conceives dramaturgy as a creative tool capable of reflecting on current challenges. Conceives technology as a creative tool capable of transforming current challenges.
He believes in the mixing of the two worlds and in the multiplication of the narrative possibilities offered by the technological implantation.
He has studied theater at the Col·legi del Teatre a Barcelona and music at the Conservatori. He is currently the founder and director of the Narinan company where he designs and directs Big Data, Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 projects. He is an Acció10 accredited technology advisor and creator of street theater shows in Pagans. He has created various site-specific and technological shows.